Top 7 Post Hair Wash Tips for Healthy and Shiny Hair

 While concentrating on your elaborate skincare routine, you often forget about other parts of your body that require the same, if not more, care and attention. One such often missed out part is your hair- merely washing it once or twice a week is not enough. Not everyone is blessed with naturally silky smooth and shiny hair- even if you are, you ought to take proper care of it to maintain the quality!

After washing your hair with the best all-natural vegan shampoo from Advanced Cosmetica, follow these seven essential tips for better post-wash hair care:


Switch to Cotton Cloth: Most of you dry your hair with towels, but it is time to change that. The roughness of the towel tends to damage your hair- opt for discarded soft cotton t-shirts to dry your hair. Wrap one loosely around your head and let it soak up the excess water!

Moisturize: Your hair needs regular miniaturization as well. Use suitable serums, oils, or leave-in conditioners for the much-wanted shine! You can get the best natural hair conditioner for hair growth at Advanced Cosmetica.


Detangle with Wide-Tooth Comb: Refrain from aggressively brushing your wet hair- it causes damage and results in hair fall. Instead, use wide-tooth combs to get rid of the tangles so that it feels smooth when the hair dries.


Opt for Air-Drying: Always prefer air drying or heatless drying methods over blow dryers. The constant heat from the blow dryers can make your hair dry and frizzy, leading to fallout.

Use Heat Protection: If you have to use blow driers, or curlers, or straighteners, make sure to use good quality heat protection to minimize the damage on your hair.


Do Not Tie Wet Hair: No matter how much hurry you are in, do not tie your wet hair- it needs to breathe so it can dry naturally- but tying it can damage both your hair and scalp.

Hydration is the Key: Your hair will shine when it has all the nutrition it needs- so do not dehydrate yourself- the more water content in your body, the better your hair’s quality.


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